Digital Delivery

Information Quality have a rich history and a dedicated team of highly skilled  engineering support professionals to assist in the development and implementation of systems, processes and tools that ensure you leverage maximum potential from your engineering effort

Management of change, decision support and legislative compliance become vastly more manageable with reliable and relevant information available across the operation.

“Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated”
– Paul Rand


Engineering Data Warehouse and Engineering Class Library

A well-defined and structured engineering data warehouse and pragmatic class library facilitates efficient access to all required information and data.

Information Quality have extensive experience in the creation, rationalisation and implementation of Engineering Data Warehouses and Engineering Class Libraries.

A structured environment allowing users to access and publish engineering data and implement management of change protocols is the foundation of best practice engineering operation and maintenance.

Information Quality develop and optimise engineering class libraries to fully align with the data model required by client business processes. Delivering optimised equipment classes and associated attribute definitions, Information Quality provide successful solutions, removing the cost and risk introduced with overly complex or under specified class libraries.


Engineering Data Management

Information sets utilised for business critical decision making need to be reliable, retrievable and relevant. Information Quality assist clients to build and maintain asset information sets to improve the safety, efficiency, reliability and regulatory compliance of the physical asset.

Information Quality subject matter experts assist clients to define strategies, develop frameworks and implement solutions tailored to specific business requirements.

Information Quality support engineering governance through the development and implementation of engineering information standards, processes and procedures


Engineering Portal

Well developed and implemented engineering portals seamlessly and intuitively connect field, engineering and administrative personnel to the latest data and deliverables required for design, construction, operations, maintenance and compliance management.

Information Quality have extensive expertise in the application, optimisation and maintenance of engineering portals, actively assisting clients to specify, implement and manage a broad range of products from desktop project tools through to integrated portals, actively linked to intelligent engineering tools.


Engineering Data Collection and Validation

Operation and maintenance of any asset is dependent on reliable and relevant information being available to all stakeholders.

It is imperative for safe and reliable operation and maintenance that all source data is consistent, correct and complete.

Information Quality specialists configure systems and tools to surface information in the most efficient and effective manner possible, however the return on investment for these systems and tools can only be realised when the source data is reliable.

Information Quality personnel and processes ensure that client datasets are effectively and efficiently collected and validated, providing maximum benefit from the deployed systems and maximum stakeholder confidence in the corporate tools.

Whether in client offices, remote sites or within an Information Quality workplace, our personnel collate, validate and structure client data to optimise the value of the engineering tools and provide optimal decision support.