Beach Energy Otway BIM Maintenance Build

Beach Energy have extended Information Quality’s Asset Management expertise to deliver a full SAP maintenance build for the Otway Butane Injection Module. The build included optimised maintenance aligned to Beach standards supporting efficient maintenance execution, together with maintenance procedures and bill of materials.

IQ is Carbon Neutral again for 2021

Following on from our efforts in 2020, the report for 2021 has now been finalised and Information Quality are once again Carbon Neutral.

The growth of our teams and personnel, along with coming back to the office as we moved into a COVID-normal way of life, presented a challenge to keeping our workplace emissions low.

This led some of the team to really Think Outside The Box, and transition the internal Quality Assurance for MOC Drafting to a fully digital operation.

Forrestfield Airport Link Handover Management

Information Quality were requested to assist the Contractor to develop Asset Management Plans and handover documentation to enable the Contractor to meet project handover criteria and schedule.

Information Quality’s team of experienced Asset Management and project delivery professionals were able to collate and interpret the many information sources and compile a suite of documentation to meet client expectations.